Your planning cycle is reduced from weeks to days and becomes a continuous activity rather than a cumbersome and static annual effort. Analytics are accessible from a single online platform that replaces offline models. Planning teams distribute forecasting efforts and yet retain transparency into the underlying drivers of business performance and constraints under which the bank operates. And ultimately, information is provided to management that is more timely, accurate, and insightful, yielding better decisions and outcomes for the organization.
For institutions combating resource intensive, and often disconnected manual planning processes, implementing Continuous Integrated Planning can save considerable time and money
At Oliver Wyman, we have been helping clients re-examine their end-to-end strategic planning efforts—spanning people, processes, capabilities and infrastructure. Our paper talks about our lessons learned and perspectives on how banks can modernize their strategic planning and budgeting capabilities. We highlight the challenges facing the planning functions at most banks, provide the “must haves” when upgrading to CIP, and offer perspectives on the organizational and technological transformation needed to help your institution successfully get there.
For those institutions already beginning to upgrade their capabilities, CIP can be used to accelerate the transformation of the planning function, eliminating large swaths of low value activities and introducing more modern forecasting practices aligned with the bank’s broader digital strategy. Regardless of starting position, once implemented, CIP provides management with the necessary information to more confidently manage scarce financial resources and ultimately improves enterprise profitability. Banks that have invested in these capabilities will have a significant competitive advantage over those that still rely on disconnected and largely manual capabilities.
The CIP rewards are substantial. We estimate with changes to both infrastructure and processes, annual planning aggregation times can be reduced from the typical 8–12 weeks to approximately 5–10 business days at most institutions, and ROE can be improved by 2–3 percent through improved decision making, active management of the business portfolio, and ultimately better financial resource management
Below we highlight several of the key conceptual underpinnings that warrant specific attention and that are common needs across most banks. The seven core elements represent a subset of the capabilities we believe to be important to Continuous Integrated Planning (CIP) and common across bank implementation efforts.

Continuous Integrated Planning (CIP) is ambitious and requires a long-term vision as well as the leadership and institutional commitment needed to implement the infrastructure over several years.
At its core, achieving CIP involves a fundamental change in the way banks plan from end-to-end. Accordingly, such a transformation requires improvements that are both technological and organizational in nature.
There are several areas where we have helped clients jump start their journey and achieve rapid progress in the transformation of the planning function. These include the build-out of higher-level strategic enterprise what-if capabilities, the introduction of driver-based planning, redesign of capital, cost, and liquidity attribution methodologies, and development of constraint and stress capital calculators, amongst other capabilities.
Failing to start is perhaps the biggest risk, and we encourage institutions to start modestly with thoughtful and focused pilots rather than embark on a risky “big bang” transformation.
Large, complex banking institutions that do not have the luxury to wait have already begun the multi-year journeys required to upgrade their capabilities, placing several of these institutions at a competitive and strategic advantage. For those institutions that are not underway or have not yet crystalized their vision for planning, the time to begin is now.