Fiscal And Financial Stability

What We Do

The Fiscal and Spend platform prepares our public sector clients to stay ahead of the curve in a fast-changing world. We support ministries of finance, central banks, sovereign wealth funds and other government bodies across a diverse set of strategic, technical, and policy topics related to fiscal sustainability.

We bring a unique focus and extensive experience to support the public sector in areas related to revenue increase, digital and analytics, budget setting and management, expenditure rationalization, and state financing and debt.

Throughout this work, we bring commercial best practices and public sector acumen, while optimizing broader socio-economic outcomes in line with national objectives. We employ future-proof technology solutions and unlock the potential of data-driven decision making to create impact that lasts generations.

Revenue increase
Offering a holistic overview of all kinds of revenue, from tax to customs to supporting auditing revenue collection procedures and related government services
Digital and analytics
Sharing in-depth expertise in digitization of economic transactions, macro-economic modeling, and creating fiscal dashboards, bearing in mind regulatory expectations and government transparency
Budget setting and management
Assisting in developing fiscal frameworks, budget management, performance-based budgeting, and medium-term budgeting to build a firm financial ground for the future to come
Expenditure rationalization
Empowering governments to spend wiser by lending our deep expertise in evaluating CAPEX and OPEX, wages, and subsidies from utilities to education to healthcare
State financing and debt
Developing strategies for state-owned enterprises and sovereign wealth funds, including advising on managing state funding and contigent liabilities, sovereign debt, and designing macroficsal policies

What We Think

Taxation for the Future of the GCC

Taxation for the Future of the GCC

Approached in the right way, new taxation systems are an opportunity for GCC countries to rejuvenate their administrative systems.

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Fiscal Management In Gulf Governments

An end-to-end fiscal management framework through which governments can help improve their budgeting and planning functions.

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Supervising Tomorrow

How technology and industry trends will change financial supervision.

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Four PillarS of Financial Sustainability In the GCC

Four PillarS of Financial Sustainability In the GCC

Ensuring long-term financial sustainability for GCC states.

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Who We Are