Rupal Kantaria
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Rupal is an activist for social change and a force to be reckoned with. At Oliver Wyman, she acts as a Partner at the Oliver Wyman Forum, where she brings together the public and private sectors to solve global challenges.

A sought-after public speaker and advocate on diversity and inclusion topics, Rupal openly shares her experiences for others to learn from, including stories about subtle biases based on her gender, recognising the privileges she had from attending a private school, and the unfathomable heartbreak of losing a child.

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My mission is to drive greater equality for all: in my own community, my workplace, and beyond to other organisations, groups, and society. Oliver Wyman gives me the platform I need to create this change.

Family is at the core of Rupal’s identity. In addition to raising two children, she founded GenGive to help the next generation learn how to create change in the world; she is a trustee, befriender, and long-term supporter of national child bereavement charity The Lullaby Trust; she works with the charity Contact the Elderly; and supports a variety of other charities via her family’s charitable foundation GMSP.