Til Schuermann | Financial And Risk | San Francisco
Til Schuermann
Partner, Global Head of Finance and Risk
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Til is a partner and the global head of the Finance and Risk Practice.

He advises private and public sector clients on stress testing, enterprise-wide risk management, and governance, including board effectiveness, crisis management, and climate risk. Til has led stress testing and capital planning engagements for about 30 large global (US and non-US) financial institutions, regional banks, and large non-bank financials. He also participated in the stress testing of the Spanish (2012) and Slovenian (2013) banking systems, the European Central Bank’s Comprehensive Assessment in 2014, and several confidential programs in Europe and Asia. In 2016, Til conducted an assessment of the Bank of England’s stress testing program for the IMF, and recently supported the UN in a global project of estimating the impact of climate risk on banks.

Until March 2011, Til was a Senior Vice President at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, where he held numerous positions, including head of Financial Intermediation in Research and head of Credit Risk in Bank Supervision. In Spring 2009, he played a leadership role in the design and execution of the Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP — bank stress test) and the subsequent Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) programs.

Til serves on the board of the Social Science Research Council, is on the Financial Risk Manager (FRM) exam committee for the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), and has taught at Columbia University and at the Wharton School. He has numerous publications in both academic and practitioner journals, including as a contributing editor to the Handbook of Financial Stress Testing (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2022).

Til received a PhD in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

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