Simon Schnurrer
Partner and Sector Lead Automotive
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As a Partner at Oliver Wyman, Simon Schnurrer enables his automotive clients to adapt to the megatrends they are facing, helping them transform to thrive in a quickly changing world. 

For the automotive industry, fundamental change is constant: massive environmental challenges, shifting centers of gravity to emerging markets, and new user experiences and business models. Clients facing that ongoing change seek Simon out for recommendations that are fully understood and “down-to-earth” for implementation. 

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My experience in the automotive industry (Porsche), technology (Ricardo), and consulting has helped me to really grasp the challenges our clients are facing. With Oliver Wyman’s result-driven approach, I can do what I like best — helping businesses to transform and thrive in the new world of mobility

Simon holds a diploma from Mannheim University and is based in Oliver Wyman’s Frankfurt office. He has more than 23 years of professional experience in the automotive industry and in management consulting firms. For Simon, delivering impact is the best reward for a consultant.

“I look back to some projects where we managed to help client organizations to implement change, for example in managing CO2 emissions, merging with another company, or restructuring their organization” Simon recalls. “Or to change the way they work, help them bringing down cost or entering new businesses. These are the projects that count most for me — actually seeing the impact of our work — often directly, and sometimes still many years later."