Sian Townson | Digital | Newcastle
Sian Townson
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Sian is a partner and our global expert in artificial intelligence (AI) risk and AI risk governance frameworks. She holds an Oxford PhD and over 20 years’ experience in statistical modelling (machine learning), and specializes in the evolution of AI and data privacy regulation, bias, fairness and interpretability of AI. She has partnered with organizations from a broad range of sectors including finance, risk, forensics and law enforcement, visual effects, healthcare, aviation, automotive, energy, and academia to develop advanced analytical solutions. 

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The hard part about prediction is when it’s about the future. It’s not enough for models to be accurate at replicating our old, historic data, they need to be useful

Sian also delivers advanced data and analytics training, helping organisations transform their workforce. She tests her ability to optimize concept retention by competing with both her cat and dog for client attention on Zoom. She’s also a passionate activist in inclusion and diversity, parent, international showjumper, half-marathon runner and trainee pilot. She arrived in the UK in the mid-80s and has now felt cold for more than 30 years.

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It’s never a choice between developing the people and achieving the project aims, that answer is always both. Good people make for successful outcomes