Pedro Miranda | Retail and Business Banking | São Paulo
Pedro Miranda
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Pedro is a principal in our Retail and Business Banking Practice. He collaborates with the leadership teams in Brazil and Latin America, supporting a diverse range of clients, including banks and banking associations. Pedro excels in managing large groups of stakeholders, harnessing their potential, and converging ideas to collectively build ecosystems.

Over the past five years, Pedro has been a leading figure in Brazil's Open Finance sector, leading numerous initiatives on both regulatory and business fronts. He is widely recognized as an expert in this field. In addition to Open Finance, Pedro focuses on regulatory-driven innovations in Brazil, with expertise in various areas, including instant payments. Recently, he spearheaded other regulatory projects, such as review of fee regulatory framework, governance restructuring for banking associations, and risk culture initiatives.

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The banking sector is evolving rapidly due to technological advancements and shifting customer needs, necessitating flexible approaches from banks. Innovation should be viewed as a key enabler of the overall strategy, rather than a standalone project

Pedro holds a degree in Aeronautic Engineering from the University of São Paulo and pursued further studies at Monash University in Australia.

Outside of work, Pedro enjoys spending time with his wife and friends, participating in social gatherings whenever possible. He is passionate about snow skiing and traveling around the world.