Minoo Javanmardian | Oliver Wyman Health and Life Sciences | Chicago
Minoo Javanmardian
Partner and Provider Transformation Leader
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Minoo is a Chicago-based senior partner at Oliver Wyman and a member of Health and Life Sciences Team. She is a recognized thought leader in provider and payer sectors. She has served many CEOs, C-Suite executives, and Board of Directors across multiple health system sectors including academic medical centers, faith-based systems, regional players and community players. She has also served many payer clients including Blue Cross Blue Shields in different regions

Her focus is on strategy development and implementation of resulting capability systems to ensure successful execution. While supporting clients from strategy to execution she has also led several engagements around strategic cost transformations through business process redesign, operating model (governance and organization), M&A strategy and post-merger integration.

Minoo holds an MBA from the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business and a PhD in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering from the University of Michigan. She is also a director on the Alzheimer’s Association National Board.