Mike Moylan-Jones | People And Organizational Performance
Mike Moylan-Jones
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Mike is one of the global leaders of a specialist division of Oliver Wyman called 8works. 8works use co-creation and compelling communications and engagement to help design, activate, and embed change within organizations. Mike has spent the last 20 years working with some of the world’s biggest and best companies to unlock the full potential of their people and engage them in transforming their businesses.

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Throughout my career, both in the Royal Navy and in management consulting, I’ve seen that to achieve extraordinary things, you have to harness the power of the people around you. People will champion and own what they’ve had a hand in creating. Drawing on diverse perspectives not only produces better (and often surprising) results, it creates a bow wave of momentum to actually make things happen

He has lead scores of transformational projects for clients, combining creativity and a structured, thoughtful approach with a calm, can-do attitude, to get results. His work has a broad scope across multiple industry sectors, ranging from building co-creation into cost and efficiency programs to make changes stick, to leading major co-creation events to set ambition, formulate growth strategies, and design target operating models – some of which were delivered fully remotely in post-COVID environment.

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I always want to make the most from a situation. Whether playing sport, mucking about with my kids, strapping on a snowboard and bombing down a mountain, or working with friends and colleagues to create impact in companies - there’s always more we can do