Martin Andersson | Government And Public Institutions
Martin Andersson
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With more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, Martin brings the unique perspective of a former supervisor of the Swedish banking sector to his work in advising senior decision-makers on critical issues related to law-making, capital market regulation, public policy, and risk management.

It’s a sector he knows inside-out, having worked with senior executives, regulators, supervisors, and ministries while serving as the Director General of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) from 2009 until October 2015, a tumultuous period that saw the near-meltdown of global capital markets.

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International money laundering, digitization of large governmental administration, and cyber- and data security are among the biggest challenges facing clients

At the Swedish FSA, Martin was tasked with supervising the Swedish financial sector. He represented the Swedish FSA in the IOSCO Board and the European Regional Committee, and served as a member of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (GHOS), the "parent body" of the BCBS, where all Basel III decision-making and negotiations took place. Among other things, he implemented a new risk-based supervisory framework, which included AML/ATF supervision aimed at cracking down on organized crime and stopping terrorist financing in Sweden.

Martin joined Oliver Wyman in October 2015 to help deliver effective solutions to the key challenges facing the financial-services sector.