Marc Lambright
Senior Principal
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Marc Lambright has years of actuarial experience working in various roles as a Company actuary, consulting actuary, and auditing actuary for a significant number of insurers, Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, managed care organizations, regulators, and government agencies.

His work has included pricing, valuation, and financial modeling work for most significant individual and group Accident and Health products, including Medical, Long Term Care, Long Term Disability, and other supplemental health products.

Marc's professional experiences include:

  • Group Insurance product pricing and valuation, financial modeling and budgeting, and cash flow testing for Life, Accident, and Disability products.
  • Systems development and testing, including leading the actuarial effort in the development of an LTD reserving system for $1B block of disabled life reserves.
  • Individual Medicare Supplement and Long Term Care product pricing, and premium rate and Actuarial Memorandum preparation.
  • Production of Medical, LTC, Disability, and other A&H reserves for insurers; provision of Actuarial Opinions suitable for filing with annual statements.
  • Merger and Acquisition due diligence work- actuarial reviews of target companies including the evaluation of actuarial reserves and pricing and underwriting processes.
  • Public policy work- ongoing support to a government department responsible for implementing health insurance industry reform and dealing with health coverage and funding issues.
  • Regulatory work- acted as the reviewing actuary during the course of multiple triennial financial examinations, consulting support assisting regulators in evaluating for profit conversions.
  • Auditing work- support of both external and internal audits of public and private insurers, managed care organizations, and self insured plans. Internal and external audit work including review of claim and policy reserves, premium sufficiency, and actuarial functions including pricing and reserving.

Marc is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries.