Joerg Staeglich | Energy And Natural Resources | Munich
Joerg Staeglich
Partner and Europe Head
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Serving as the Global Head of Utilities and European Head for the Energy and Natural Resources Practice, Munich-based partner Joerg has over a decade of experience in the energy space and is passionate about renewable energy.  

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Renewable energy systems are sought out by societies. This changes the whole ecosystem for all utilities involved: energy will remain a space where political and technological disruptions meet, so we are working in one of the most challenging places for strategy and transformation

Joerg specializes in corporate and business unit strategies, organizational and management concepts, designing and enhancing CFO-suites, restructuring and M&A.

A long-distance runner at heart, Joerg this year finished both the Zugspitz Ultratrail and the OCC/UTMB showing he has what it takes to go the distance. His clients seek him out for his ability to work closely with them to provide bespoke solutions to unique problems.

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I have what I'd call an 'opposable mind’ and that's really helpful for getting right into the heart of the specific problems of all of my clients. We link strategy, operations, and finance in our consulting practice with a deep understanding of utilities on each step of the value chain. We help our clients to become true game changers