Jai Sooklal | Financial Services | New York
Jai Sooklal
Partner and Co-Head of Finance, Americas
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Jai is a Partner in Oliver Wyman’s Finance, Risk & Public Policy practices, and is based in its New York office.

At Oliver Wyman, Jai has advised on engagements dealing with liquidity risk management, interest rate risk, 5G reporting and analytics, FTP, risk governance, intraday liquidity, and resolution planning at clients ranging from US and foreign GSIBs to medium sized financial institutions.

Prior to joining Oliver Wyman, Jai was a Senior Vice President and Head of the Funding, Liquidity and Interest Rate Risk Supervision at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which he joined in April 2009. In that role, he built a liquidity supervisory program including the development of a data driven program supported by liquidity data collection (4G and 5G).

In addition to this role within the New York Fed’s Financial Institution Supervision Group, Jai was the designated Funding, Liquidity and Interest Rate Risk Lead for the Federal Reserve’s System’s Large Institution Supervision Coordination Committee (LISCC).  In that capacity, with liquidity oversight responsibilities for US GSIBs, he pioneered the Federal Reserve’s Comprehensive Liquidity Analysis and Review (CLAR) program and was co-Chair of the CLAR Steering Committee.

Additionally, Jai chaired the international Task Force on Funding established by the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) Data Gaps Committee, and was also the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s representative on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s Working Group on Liquidity that developed the Basel III international liquidity standards (LCR and NSFR).

Prior to joining the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jai was a Managing Director and Assistant Treasurer at Morgan Stanley which he joined in 1993.  During his career at Morgan Stanley, Jai had several roles within the Corporate Treasury, including leadership of activities related to Credit Services Funding and Capital Planning, Asset Backed Securitization, Asset Liability Management, Rating Agency Relationships, Stock Repurchase Programs, Long Term Financing, Capital and Hybrid Debt Instruments, and FX Hedging.  His responsibilities spanned corporate, retail and institutional businesses at Morgan Stanley.

Jai holds a BSc in Computer Science and Engineering from Columbia University, New York, and an MBA in Finance from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.