Jacques Tremblay | Actuarial | Toronto
Jacques Tremblay
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Jacques Tremblay is a partner with the Actuarial Consulting Practice of Oliver Wyman in Toronto, Ontario. 

Mr. Tremblay provides actuarial consulting to life insurance companies, banks, regulatory and industry bodies in the areas of financial reporting, solvency testing, business appraisals, due diligence and peer reviews. He has testified as an expert witness in Ontario. He is currently the Appointed Actuary for several clients.

Jacques has played an active role in several life insurance company appraisals, reviewed business plans, conducted peer reviews and provided management advice on a range of issues from investment opportunities to value creation and economic capital. 

Mr. Tremblay has participated in a wide range of projects which include managing the risk management implementation within a Caribbean insurance company and managing the Economic Capital implementation across a large North American insurance company.

Jacques is a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries.