Iris Hermann | Energy And Natural Resources | Munich
Iris Herrmann
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A partner in Oliver Wyman’s Energy and Natural Resources Practice, Iris specializes in strategy and transformation as they apply to the chemicals industry. She has supported clients in their sustainability transformation journeys, from integrating sustainability into strategy to defining a suitable operating model to deliver on the transformation agenda. She has almost 20 years of combined industry and management consulting experience, with relevant expertise in strategy development and implementation, overseeing corporate transformations, and operational excellence.

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The most exciting part of my work is tackling challenges together with my clients to find solutions and approaches that are uniquely tailored to their needs, rather than to give them prepackaged answers. It’s all about being able to accompany clients on a transformational journey – always with an eye on what’s doable and pushing levers that will generate lasting impact

Iris would like to see the chemicals industry play a crucial role in enabling solutions for the world’s most pressing issues around sustainability. But that kind of transformative mission will require product innovation and a reconfiguration of value chains. The opportunity to be a part of this industry disruption and sketch out an overhaul of the chemicals business, and, consequently, the global economy, is the reason why she became a consultant.