Christopher Halloran
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Christopher Halloran is a Principal with the Actuarial Practice of Oliver Wyman and leads the Charlotte office. His primary responsibilities are to provide actuarial consulting services to various insurance entities and organizations.

Christopher joined Oliver Wyman in June 2016 after having previously worked for Gen Re as an actuarial associate. He graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor of Arts in Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Economics in 2010.

Relevant experience

  • Led the creation and implementation of a revamped assumption governance process for a major carrier
  • Led multiple projects to set best estimate assumptions for leading reinsurers
  • Performed expert review and benchmarking of assumptions for term, universal life, and whole life products for sell-side actuarial appraisal of major carrier’s in-force block
  • Frequent involvement in buy-side due diligence of life blocks
  • Performed experience studies and recommended best estimate assumptions for internal forecasting and cash flow testing
  • Led the pricing work stream of two projects for major carriers to strategically reprice their term, ULSG, and IUL products in light of PBR
  • Led the conversion of a reinsurer’s GAAP valuation models to Moody’s Analytics AXIS™ (AXIS)
  • Led the pricing work stream for two separate conversions of pricing models to AXIS models with PBR functionality for major life carriers
  • Led the conversion of production AXIS models to a cloud-based environment, introducing SQL server to manage inputs and outputs, and automating the projection and reporting of financials through VBA based processes
  • Created Excel based tools to reconcile the calculation of cash flows and reserve projections from AXIS to original models