Chris Perks
Solution Architect
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Chris Perks is a Solution Architect working closely with Oliver Wyman's Digital and Data & Analytics Practices. Chris works with customers in all continents to reimagine their data and technical architectures.

Once thought of as a behind-the-scenes technology function, data teams now sit at the centre of customer satisfaction, fraud prevention, AI-driven recommendations, and more. With this, we have a responsibility to ensure data is trustworthy, protected and that it is used ethically.

Chris' work sits at the intersection of technology and people. Whether launching an entire greenfield Big Data & Analytics ecosystem or untangling complex collections of legacy data sources, he believes in putting people at the centre.

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Data within an enterprise always comes down to people. Who are the experts and everyday users of this information? Do they have immediate access to the data they need, with assurances on the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, and lineage of that data?

Chris' love of data comes from a lifelong enthusiasm for organizing things. As a child, he would spend days organising anything he could get his hands on into alphabetical, colour, or height order.